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Roses – Some with Beautiful, Some with Thorns

14 Jul

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 KJV)

Over the past few days God has gently reminded me of how important it is to be greatful, complimentary, and encouraging.  Not long after coming to Hillcrest, a dear lady in our church introduced me to her saying – “Give roses to ones while you can.”  This was apparently something that she was known for and had instilled in other ladies of the church. 

Today, this dear lady is still part of our church, but because of age and health has not been able to as active as in the past.  I am often reminded though of her words and want to give roses to others while I can.

I thought being a pastor’s wife would be a continual receiving of roses (verbally and literally).  Little did I know you do get roses but someone forgot to tell me that the roses come in all shapes, sizes, Godly maturity levels and some with prickly thorns attached.  Oh, how those thorns hurt sometimes and the wilted dying flowers are not too attractive either.

As a Pastor’s Wife, it seems that there are two views, or opinions, or might you say judgements that I get from others.  There seems to be those who see a Pastor’s Wife as deserving to receive flowers everyday – just because of all she has to deal with – from long days, even weeks without quality time with her husband because of “church work,” to getting out to help cut the grass at the church because it just needs to be done.  Yet on the other had there comes a view from others that a Pastor’s Wife owes those flowers to everyone else. 

 regardless of others views of myself, I have begun to look at others as an individual rose with each petal representing the individual’s uniqueness.  Some are perfect little roses that I wanted to place in a vase of water in my heart to live forever and never die.  But oh the thorny, wilted, ugly roses  – what shall we do with them??? There are always some of those.  I want to place them between the pages of a big sturdy book and slam it shut.  Then I could wait for them to dry out so I could store them as far away from me as possible or even throw them away.

God is trying to teach me that  it is those imperfect people, however, that help me grow in my spiritual life.  When you hear negative words uttered, those thorns prick.  Those thorny roses, however, help me to look upward to Jesus as the source of my strength and encouragement.

I will strive to appreciate all the roses that come my way – I know God had sent them to me for a reason. 

 Yes, I do receive roses and will continue to do so!