Halloween Science – Ghost Snot

21 Oct

What a great way to teach kids about mixtures – in this case – would be classified as a solution.  GHOST SNOT

One is for older kids since Borax is poisonous if ingested, so please don’t allow young children to handle it, and one is for young kids and is Borax free.

For the Older Kids

What you will need:

  • Borax Laundry Detergent
  • Water
  • Elmer’s Glue
  • Sandwich Bag
  • Food Coloring

What you need to do:

  1. Take 1/8th of a cup of borax laundry detergent and dissolve it into a half litre of warm water.
  2. Once it is dissolved, set it aside and allow it to cool.
  3. Take a separate cup and add 2 tablespoons of Elmer’s glue in it.
  4. Stir in 3 tablespoons of water and mix thoroughly.
  5. Add food coloring.  Green is the best choice for snot but you can mix it up for alien or ghost goo. (hmm, I think that is the official term for it). Stir until you have the desired color.
  6. Pour in one tablespoon of the borax solution that you made.
  7. Mix thoroughly.

And there you have some really gross snot.  Enjoy

For the younger kids

What you need:

  • clear corn syrup
  • water
  • clear gelatin powder
  • food coloring

What you need to do:

  1. Heat a half cup of water until it is boiling hot (this is important for parents to do.)
  2. Add in three packages of clear gelatin and food coloring
  3. Stir until it is dissolved.
  4. Place into a measuring cup
  5. Pour in corn syrup until the liquid rises to a cup. 
  6. Stir until long snot globs form on the end of your fork.

And there you have a non toxic snot that you won’t have to worry if any is ingested. 

I hope you enjoyed today’s gross crafty recipe.

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