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Using a Ruler – It’s Elementary

26 Aug

First and Second grade students have a difficult time learning to use a ruler.  I found a short video that is a great way to show students a demo.  How to use a Ruler

Because a ruler is a smaller tool, seeing an image much larger than life allows for full class instruction and greater success for mastering the use of a ruler. 

1.  Student are given a ruler as they enter the classroom.

2.  Quick “no no’s” are gone over about bending, hitting, etc. 

3.  Introduce video.

4.  View video in its entirety ( 3 minutes)

5.  Go back and instruct students by pointing out important aspect of using a ruler.  With the video, still shots can be used, as well as fast forwarded and replayed.

      These points are highlighted during my lesson:  1.  Holding ruler still with 2 fingers  2.  Identifying “zero” or the beginning of the ruler  3.  Making a small notch at the beginning and end when drawing a line.  4.  Stop at the longest line next to the number… not before.  

1st graders – use a ruler with only inches

2nd graders – use inches and cm

All students  can practice on paper drawing lines 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 inches or cm.

To add a little fun at the end of the lesson – Give students a small ball of modeling clay – make worms to match their measured lines!